Saturday, 26 November 2011
What is Rocksmith? A Milky game review
Now for those of all who don't know what Rocksmith is I'll give a little description. Rocksmith is a video game made by Ubisoft, it's essentially guitar hero... But wait, there's more. What makes Rocksmith differ from Guitar Hero, is that you play an ACTUAL guitar. WTH right?
So last night I picked this game up and to be honest, at first, I almost planned on staying home and playing all night rather than going out with some buddies. The game is actually super fun and it puts a whole new twist on playing guitar. The game comes equipped with a cable to plug in any electric guitar through USB into your xbox or ps3. The game features over 50 tracks, most of which are pretty unheard of but that's usually the way it goes for new games, I'm hoping for some good DLC in the future. Don't get me wrong, the game still offers some sick track by Queens of the Stone Age, The Rolling Stones, Muse, Chili Peppers, and even one of my personal favorites, Nirvana, just to name a few. To me, learning how to play these songs on real guitar, while trying to hit a high score, is just a super cool concept. Even if you've never played guitar too much, and you've got one gathering dust in your room, this game is definitely worth checking out.
Amazingly, playing songs isn't the only thing you can do with this game. It has a couple other cool features. One feature being mini-games, sounds childish but surprisingly these video games actual help to strongly improve your guitar skills including palm-muting, sliding, and many more. And lastly one of the coolest things you can do with this game, turn any T.V of yours into a fully functional, fully customized guitar amplifier. Think of the money you save on effects pedals... What's also cool is you can choose which guitar to use, it basically takes your guitars input sounds and virtually makes them the guitar that you chose. I personally find this a fucking awesome tool for any guitar player, the ability to create your own sounds and just jam out.
Now with all that being said, the game obviously has its downsides. For starters, it's not a simple pick up and play game, like Guitar Hero. Remember the first time you played Guitar Hero? Overwhelmed by 5 colored buttons, imagine 21 frets, multiplied by 6 strings... For anyone who's never played guitar this just sounds absurd. I've been playing guitar for quite some time now, I'll be honest I'm not great, but I'm not bad. It definitely gets confusing and takes some getting used to at first, but it doesn't take away from the overall fun. One more thing I didn't like too much about this was the virtual guitars you have to choose from. As I said before this is actually a sick idea, but the only guitars you can choose from are Epiphone. Now I'm not hating on Epiphone, I learned how to jam on an Epiphone and that's actually what I use to play this game :P But I mean if you're gonna put in a feature like that, you should put some sick sounding guitars that people normally wouldn't have in real life, some examples being Strats, Teles, Les Pauls, Flying V's, Schecter, anything but Epiphones. Then again, we have to realize no big company was gonna put money into this game just yet, it is still new and has to prove itself first to the gaming community.
So in conclusion, if you have a guitar and have either lost the passion to play it, or just wanna try out a new sick game idea, and not to mention you've got 90 bones to blow, Milky highly recommends you check this game out. 90 bucks may sound like a lot but you gotta think of the money you're saving on effects pedals and well, you can't put a price on enjoyment, can you?
And lastly, the Milky quote "I used to say 'sex, drugs and rock and roll.' As long as there's sex and drugs, I can do without rock and roll." -Mick Shrimpton, Spinal Tap
Stay Wett
Friday, 25 November 2011
Soul Calibur 5: Trailer
Thursday, 24 November 2011
"The Knowing" - The Weeknd (Official Music Video)
The Age of Music.
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Money Hungry Video Game Companies.
When you purchase a video game, after what could be months of waiting eagerly for it to come out, you want to play the whole game right? Well apparently the new thing out there corrupting the video game world is the greedy overuse of DLC (Downloadable Content). These downloads are meant to enhance the experience of the full game, to add more maps, characters, weapons, etc. NOT to unlock a whole part of the campaign! Lately, video game companies have been scavenging for more money by only opening certain content of the game when a certain DLC is downloaded. The sad part is, that you already see what your not going to be playing sometimes... For example, in Rocksteady Studio's newest release, Batman: Arkham City, it is advertised that you can play as Batman, as well as Catwoman... Well turns out you can only play as Catwoman if you purchase her DLC campaign somewhere at 6-10$. Nice, so I'm paying an extra 10$ for a game I've already purchased. It doesn't even add anything new! Its part of the original story of the game! This same principle goes for "Saints Row: The Third", there are 3 chapters of the game missing that you have to pay for and download... Why?! I already bought the game!
Thankfully, there's a company out there refraining from all this corruption... Nintendo. Although Nintendo does release DLC, none of which is used for greedy purposes. Sure you have to pay for them, but it only adds to the game so your actually paying for more of a full game instead of more pieces to to an incomplete game. Nintendo's Chief of America, Reggi Fils-Aime, states "We're interested in [DLC] to the extent that it makes sense to the consumer,". Thank you.
For further proof, he also states " if we want to make other things available, great, and we'll look at that. But we're unwilling to sell a piece of a game upfront and, if you will, force a consumer to buy more later. ".
I've always been a huge fan of Nintendo, and after this, I'm even more thankful and have more respect for them over so many other game companies. This really shows one the gamer-friendly companies out there. Once again, thank you Nintendo for taking a stand against this and not ripping us off.
Stay Wett.
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
Skyrim: Greatest Headshot EVER!
Who needs a gun when you have a bow and arrow, some wind, and a who'll lot of making peasants your bitch.
Creds go to MrTeamVideo.
Watch The Throne Album Review
Monday, 21 November 2011
Jason's Blog #1
Urban Dictionary describes a blog as:
Short for weblog. A meandering, blatantly uninteresting online diary that gives the author the illusion that people are interested in their stupid, pathetic life. Consists of such riveting entries as "homework sucks" and "I slept until noon today."
Today, i slept until noon... actually i slept until 8:32. I don't know where i'm going with this...
This is my first blog and depending on how many people read it, probably my last.
My name is Jason Rametta, but you can address me as Captain or more popularly shitty blog writer guy.
I currently attend Hogwarts school of wizardry and am level 63 in modern warfare 3. Black Ops was for noobs and Vince.
I have a very cute puppy.
Named Pebbles.
If anyone is interested i want money for christmas.
Fell free to say hi to me if you see me on the street, if you don't know what i look like, i'm 6'4, 275 pounds and Black.
We only part to meet again
Movie Page
trailer here:
Check out the Movies page for more!
Stay Wett.
Sunday, 20 November 2011
Milky on Star Wars
Ok so i would like to start by saying this is not your typical review of a movie, I'm just going to talk about it's awesomeness and while I'm at it I may point out some bad parts from time to time, but hey no one is perfect right.
And now we get to talking about the movie. Alright so for those who have never heard of Star Wars... You've been living under a rock your entire life. Star Wars is a Sci-Fi trilogy, based a long time ago in a galaxy far far away. It may be a bit confusing at first but the trilogy starts at episode IV A New Hope, then episode V The Empire Strikes Back, my personal favorite of the trilogy, and lastly episode VI Return of the Jedi.
These movies follow our loveable hero, Luke Skywalker, in his quest to become a Jedi. It's not very easy to describe a Jedi besides saying they're fucking badass and I wish I was one. Their weapon of choice, the lightsaber. By name you should be able to tell what that is... Just use google as a reference and to get a general idea of what that is, for those who don't know. Along the way Luke is obviously faced with many challenges, but he's a Jedi and so badass that he handles them fairly well. The strongest part of this trilogy has to be the story line... Obviously you can't have a good movie without a good story ex: Napolean Dynamite. One more thing Star Wars has going for it, aside from badass heroes, is badass villains. I don't know about you but I tend to side with the bad guys in most of my favorite movies, to be honest, Star Wars was no different. The evil forces that the Jedis are fighting against are known as the Sith. Once again not much more to say besides being total badass and amazing.
I would definitely love to go more into detail with all of this more but I also don't want to ruin anything for those who haven't seen these movies.
Now I also said I would talk about the bad... The bad in Star Wars is a little lame and it's not bad enough to take away from a true emotional experience in watching these films. One thing that angers many people is the fact that you hear the starships making noise in space.... Now we all know that there is no sound in space so this is clearly impossible but seriously dude? If you're gonna let that ruin a movie for you... Stick to no movies at all. And well one more thing that I personally find a little annoying is the acting... The story is so sick and the lines are amazing... The emotions I feel are somehow lost within the actors however at some scenes. Don't be fooled, the movie is too damn good to allow horrible acting to even come close to ruining the experience.
Now This isn't really a lot to take in, it is really a crash course to say the least on Star Wars. For those of you who have never seen Star Wars, rent it, buy it or fuck even download it if you have to... I promise you, you will not be disappointed, geek or not it is the ULTIMATE movie trilogy.
I absolutely love these movies, to say the least. Honestly my favorite movies of all time. If you really feel like it, after watching these 3 movies you can check out the second trilogy or as some like to refer to it as "Special Features" Episodes I, II and III. These are a prologue to the original trilogy but in all honesty, are nowhere near as good. With that being said... DO NOT watch episodes I-III first, this will just confuse the fuck out of you and you will lose all interest in Star Wars. This is a promise...
I shall leave you all with a quote as will from now on be "My thing"
"Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope" Who is Obi-Wan Kenobi? Who is seeking his help? Why? And why is he the only hope?
You can find all these answers, and more, by just watching the movies!
Stay Wett
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
November… A month marked in all gamers calendars as Call of Duty Month. For those of you who don't know, Call of Duty is a first person shooter available for xbox, ps3 and pc. The franchise appeared in the gaming spotlight when its most impressive title "Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare" was released in 2007. As of November, the third instalment of the Modern Warfare series was released and once again, became the highest grossing game ever! Clearly this franchise has changed the gaming community. MW3 is set to be the game of they year.
Ladies and Gentlemen, MW3 has been released and gamers are busy ranking up to level 80 and going through their prestige ranks. Modern Warfare 3 offers a faster pace gameplay experience with loads of customization, completely new killstreaks, awesome weapons, entirely redesigned multiplayer maps and the game features two new game modes. Kill confirmed is a Team Deathmatch like game except when you kill an opposing player, he drops a dog tag on the map which the killing team must pick up in order to get the points. The opposing team can also pick up their own dog tags to deny the kill. The second newly introduced game mode is called Team Defender. This game mode is similar to king of the hill where a team must capture and hold a flag to gain points.
Before the release, many people feared that all the new additions to the game would ruin it but truthfully, Infinity Ward (Head Developers of MW3) have done a great job engineering everything together too keep a balanced game. This game has got to be one of the most enjoyable games I've personally ever played but unfortunately all great games also have their cons. The only troublesome facts about MW3 are the pawn points. Basically a spawn point is a specific location on the map where the game will generate a dead player coming back into the game. The "random" spawn points causes lots aggravation to online gamers like myself because opposing players seem to spawn in all locations of the map regardless of set points.
Mw3 has only been available for two weeks and thus far, it's been amazing! Once Infinity Ward fixes the spawn points and a few more minor situations, I am confident that this game will be one of the best games of all time. For all you gamers out there, I highly recommend picking up a copy of MW3 because you will not regret it!
This has been a review by yours truly,
- Vincethemagician
Gaming Page ONLINE
Stay Wett,
Saturday, 19 November 2011
The Elder Scrolls V: Skryim - Live Action Trailer
Friday, 18 November 2011
PETA VS. Gaming Society?
Using animals to your aid, defending yourself from creatures, and the occasional death of a harmless chicken. Animals can be found in almost EVERY game, either useful or not, they're there, from riding your trusty steed Epona, to battling vicious dragons. A recent attack on the gaming world caught my attention, and I have a lot to say. So here's what's up... PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) all of a sudden decided to start suing video game companies for various violent and mistreatmenting actions towards animals. WTF. First of all, the animals in the game ARE FAKE. Apparently, younger kids playing these games may get the idea of mistreating animals in real life, now here's what's wrong with that. Video games with any sort of violence MUST be labeled 14+, a clear statement which informs the buyer that younger kids aren't allowed to play this game. It is not anywhere in PETA's rights to sue for that reason because it is not the video game companie's fault for the kids playing that game, as it was clearly labeled.
The next two are actually quite funny, not only are the creatures threatening to kill you, the also ARE MYTHICAL. That's right, if you remember the Rancors from the Star Wars series, seen in Return of the Jedi, they were large beastly creatures, some of which were forced to fight for entertainment. Although the act of forcing animals to fight other animals, or even people is wrong, PETA should NOT sue George Lucas for incorporating this in his movie/game remakes. Why? Because forcing animals to fight has been misused for centuries! Lucas didn't invent it, nor was promoting it. He was creating a believable environment. Not to mention, Rancors are not only fake because its in a movie/game, it also doesn't exist in real life! Another example from Star Wars was when Han Solo gutted another non-existng creature, called a Tauntaun, and used its body as a shelter for Luke from the blistering cold to survive! Your telling me its better for a human being to die? Thats funny though, because no game has ever been sued for the killing of other humans. the Call of Duty series for example, kill as many people as you want, but god forbid you kill a chicken! Like I understand where there coming from, but its a game and doesn't imply that people should go out shooting chickens, yet people already do, and I can guarantee it has nothing to do with these games.
Bethesda's latest release, Skyrim, is an open world RPG game, allowing the gamer to proceed with doing almost whatever he wants, including killing animals. The game offers free will, and for the development of games to continue, PETA can't go around forbidding things! This apparently depicts "human superiority". Also, as I've mentioned before, hunting and killing animals in the wild has been around for so much longer than these games, why blame the game creators! Now this made me laugh, PETA believes that the killing of DRAGONS, is wrong because they are an ENDANGERED SPECIES! What? I'm sorry, are they dying out from our imagination? Although dragons are seen as rare, majestic creatures in so many, almost all fantasy world games, that isn't a good enough reason to allow one to kill you if you are attacked by one.
PETA fomed a guide in which one can learn what to do in the situation of being devoured by a giant creature. That goes for all dangerous animals by the way, pretty sure PETA just threw that in there to make their statement seem a little more logical.
Honestly, I think PETA is just in this to seek attention, and to make a quick buck. I'm sticking to playing my video games how they're meant to be played. To conclude... PETA's fucked.
Stay Wett.
- WeTT
Intro to Milky
Wett For Life.
Now back to the blog! I'm very excited to bring you all the upcoming news on the things that interest me the most, and I hope you enjoy it! You better. As I bring more to you, you will learn more about the media, and about myself as well, I'm almost sure we wont have any problems. Over time the blog will develop and become better, so stay tuned!
Now I'd like to conclude this with a quote... "One can only hope that one leaves behind a lasting legacy. But sometimes the legacies we leave behind... Are not the ones we intended." - Narrator (Gears of war 2)
Stay Wett.