Welcome to the latest blog to keep you updated on today's media, "Wett About It". If your interested in getting all the most recent updates on video games, movies and music, this is the site for you! Not only do we update you on recent media, but we also return to the past every now and then to take another look at the classics. Before I go on, I should explain the meaning of "wett"... Wett has been a word which has been used by few for years in my home town, passed down by generation, it is now used by me, and my group of friends mainly, but has been spread to the lives of many. Wett is a word which describes the chill and flowing aspects of something, as well as an uncaring attitude, while its opposite, "drye" describes the crustiness and not so much wanted things.Saying something is wett also refers to the mental orgasm it gives you. Think about it, how do you like your women? Wett or drye?
Now back to the blog! I'm very excited to bring you all the upcoming news on the things that interest me the most, and I hope you enjoy it! You better. As I bring more to you, you will learn more about the media, and about myself as well, I'm almost sure we wont have any problems. Over time the blog will develop and become better, so stay tuned!
Now I'd like to conclude this with a quote... "One can only hope that one leaves behind a lasting legacy. But sometimes the legacies we leave behind... Are not the ones we intended." - Narrator (Gears of war 2)
Stay Wett.
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