Sup everyone, been a while since my last post but I've been trying to scrounge up some money to buy a new game to review for you all. So for those who don't know I work in the video games section at a futursehop, one day while doing the facing I saw a game called Rocksmith. To be honest I had never heard of it before, so I picked up the box and got to reading. Super cool concept for a video game not gonna lie, and since then I've been trying to save some money to buy it.
Now for those of all who don't know what Rocksmith is I'll give a little description. Rocksmith is a video game made by Ubisoft, it's essentially guitar hero... But wait, there's more. What makes Rocksmith differ from Guitar Hero, is that you play an ACTUAL guitar. WTH right?
So last night I picked this game up and to be honest, at first, I almost planned on staying home and playing all night rather than going out with some buddies. The game is actually super fun and it puts a whole new twist on playing guitar. The game comes equipped with a cable to plug in any electric guitar through USB into your xbox or ps3. The game features over 50 tracks, most of which are pretty unheard of but that's usually the way it goes for new games, I'm hoping for some good DLC in the future. Don't get me wrong, the game still offers some sick track by Queens of the Stone Age, The Rolling Stones, Muse, Chili Peppers, and even one of my personal favorites, Nirvana, just to name a few. To me, learning how to play these songs on real guitar, while trying to hit a high score, is just a super cool concept. Even if you've never played guitar too much, and you've got one gathering dust in your room, this game is definitely worth checking out.
Amazingly, playing songs isn't the only thing you can do with this game. It has a couple other cool features. One feature being mini-games, sounds childish but surprisingly these video games actual help to strongly improve your guitar skills including palm-muting, sliding, and many more. And lastly one of the coolest things you can do with this game, turn any T.V of yours into a fully functional, fully customized guitar amplifier. Think of the money you save on effects pedals... What's also cool is you can choose which guitar to use, it basically takes your guitars input sounds and virtually makes them the guitar that you chose. I personally find this a fucking awesome tool for any guitar player, the ability to create your own sounds and just jam out.
Now with all that being said, the game obviously has its downsides. For starters, it's not a simple pick up and play game, like Guitar Hero. Remember the first time you played Guitar Hero? Overwhelmed by 5 colored buttons, imagine 21 frets, multiplied by 6 strings... For anyone who's never played guitar this just sounds absurd. I've been playing guitar for quite some time now, I'll be honest I'm not great, but I'm not bad. It definitely gets confusing and takes some getting used to at first, but it doesn't take away from the overall fun. One more thing I didn't like too much about this was the virtual guitars you have to choose from. As I said before this is actually a sick idea, but the only guitars you can choose from are Epiphone. Now I'm not hating on Epiphone, I learned how to jam on an Epiphone and that's actually what I use to play this game :P But I mean if you're gonna put in a feature like that, you should put some sick sounding guitars that people normally wouldn't have in real life, some examples being Strats, Teles, Les Pauls, Flying V's, Schecter, anything but Epiphones. Then again, we have to realize no big company was gonna put money into this game just yet, it is still new and has to prove itself first to the gaming community.
So in conclusion, if you have a guitar and have either lost the passion to play it, or just wanna try out a new sick game idea, and not to mention you've got 90 bones to blow, Milky highly recommends you check this game out. 90 bucks may sound like a lot but you gotta think of the money you're saving on effects pedals and well, you can't put a price on enjoyment, can you?
And lastly, the Milky quote "I used to say 'sex, drugs and rock and roll.' As long as there's sex and drugs, I can do without rock and roll." -Mick Shrimpton, Spinal Tap
Stay Wett
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